the desert cardinal (or pyrrhuloxia) inhabits the arid southwest of the United States and northern Mexico. Its short bill is perfect for cracking dried seeds. The greatest distinction between this bird and its northern cousin is coloration. Desert cardinals are predominantly brownish-gray, with ...
CardinalsSentinelSerumThe northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a good indicator species for environmental contaminants because it does not migrate and its range covers a diversity of habitats, including metropolitan Atlanta, GA and the geographically isolated Hawaiian Islands. In addition, the ...
We found that the alarm calls given in response to different intruders incurred similar numbers of approaching species for both conspecific and interspecific birds. However, the number of attracted individuals differed significantly among the various species, with conspecifics and vinous-throated parrot...
Understanding which species' attributes regulate a barrier could help elucidate how speciation is initiated. Here, we investigated the association of behavioral isolation on population differentiation in Northern Cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) distributed across the Cochise Filter Barrier, a region of ...