an alphabet C. the Korean language D. a mixture of English and Japanese3. Hangul letters A. are put together to make a syllable B. are read from bottom to top C. are read from right to left D. are also called "Hanja"4. According to the passage, "Where are you going?"sounds A....
Concentrate on pronunciation of sounds as well, from the letters of the alphabet to words and sentences – your audio learners will really pick up on this if you provide the opportunity. Also, do listening exercises which require students to listen to your instructions in order to complete a ...
Unit2Differentfamilies第5课时A.Lettersandsounds What’sthesongabout?Activity1:Chantandreview FamilymembersofAlphabetHello,I’mletterA.ThisisletterB,CandD.Activity1:Chantandreview Hi,mynameisletterE.ThisisF,GandH.Hello!Welcometothefarm(农场).What’syourname?Nicetomeetyou!
(共34张PPT) Unit 2 Different families 第5课时 A. Letters and sounds What’s the song about Activity 1: Chant and review Family members of Alphabet Hello,
Unit2Differentfamilies第5课时A.Lettersandsounds What’sthesongabout?Activity1:Chantandreview FamilymembersofAlphabetHello,I’mletterA.ThisisletterB,CandD.Activity1:Chantandreview Hi,mynameisletterE.ThisisF,GandH.Hello!Welcometothefarm(农场).What’syourname?Nicetomeetyou! eggnestWhat’sthesameletter...
For example,the number “4” is said tobe unlucky because it sounds like the Chinese word fordeath". But that's just one small example of China'sobsession(迷恋)with numbers.When I first came here, I was surprised to see thatmany websites had numbers in their names instead ofletters. I...
The only real deviations in the product were the character names: Goku had become Zero, Bulma had become Leena (despite her shirt still having BULMA written out in our alphabet on it!), Oolong had become Mao-Mao, Yamcha had become Zedaki, and so on and so forth. Despite some of these...
aThe IPA, or International Phonetic Alphabet, has attemped to give all unique sounds in spoken language a unique symbol. I have chosen to use it to help differentiate between, for example, the three different "uh" sounds we have: butter [], pull [], and supply []. IPA symbols will ap...
About 5,000 years ago,the Egyptians and other people in the Near East began to use pictures as a kind of writing.They drew simple pictures or signs to represent things and ideas,and also to represent the sounds of their language.The signs these people used became a kind of alphabet. The...
“multi-sensory” approach common to learning disabilities education. For example, the alphabet book she uses shows pictures of animals that correspond to each letter. They read aloud together, and then, her daughter writes letters down. This way, handwriting, auditory practice, reading ...