Evaluation of different scales for measurement of perceived physical strain during performance of manual tasks. Int J Occu Saf Ergo. 2002;8(4):413-32.Hernandez L, Alhemood A, Genaidy A, Karwowski W. Evaluation of different scales for measurement of perceived physical strain during performance ...
A certain quantity is measured on two different scales, the R -scale and the S -scale, that are related linearly. Measurements on the R -scale of 6 and 24 correspond to measurements on the S -scale of 30 and 60, respectively. What measurement
Limited measurement variability may reduce the ability of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to predict desirable health behaviors. The primary purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of five different measurement scales on the variability and predictive validity of the TPB in the...
Since there is no equivalent to a Bland and Altman plot [42] for ordinal scales of different characteristics, we had to use absolute and relative reliability statistics for the comparison of different scales. Kappa coefficients should ideally reach values over 0.70 [43]. However, the prevalence ...
In this article, we present a ten-item instrument for the measurement of the three types of cognitive load. Principal component analysis on data from a lecture in statistics for PhD students (n = 56) in psychology and health sciences revealed a three-component solution, consistent with the ...
Regarding the quality of the course evaluation, the exam questions were drawn from a test question bank that met the requirements stipulated in the course syllabi, and the difficulty of questions was balanced across different exams. A measurement tool for perceived workload with good validity and ...
This study is the first to combine cattle data from across the whole of Switzerland, focusing on %NISP and biometrical data, in order to investigate how cattle husbandry changed over time, comparing the east and west of the region. A number of different temporal scales are used in order to...
Measurement of genetic structure within populations using Moran's spatial autocorrelation statistics Spatial structure of genetic variation within populations, an important interacting influence on evolutionary and ecological processes, can be analyzed in ... BRYAN K. EPPERSON,TIANQUAN Li - 《Proceedings of...
The aim of this study is to analyze the level of agreement between different wearables in the measurement of HR based on photoplethysmography, according to different body positions and physical activity levels, and compared to a gold-standard ECG. The proposed method measures agreement among several...
(Rammstedt et al.,2014; Wohlkinger et al.,2011). The scales of the BFI-10 aim to measure the Big Five and comprise of two items per personality dimension. Because it was considered that, particularly with respect to the agreeableness factor, the NEPS data should enable more profound ...