series did have a companion manga, and the two are strikinglydifferent. While the anime follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, the manga leaves Ash's equivalent, Red, behind fairly quickly, following the journeys of a wide variety of characters from different r...
series did have a companion manga, and the two are strikinglydifferent. While the anime follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, the manga leaves Ash's equivalent, Red, behind fairly quickly, following the journeys of a wide variety of characters from different r...
Since champions have often been portrayed as protectors of their regions, it does seem pretty reasonable that gym leaders would similarly have a protective and supportive role within the cities they're based out of. Portraying the gym leaders in this way does make them come across as respectable...
If you’re wondering what to sell on eBay, you’re in good company. Many sellers face this challenge, but we’ve got you covered. We’ve done all the research to pinpoint the top-selling products and items on eBay in 2024 across different regions. As an eBay seller, staying ahead of...
This process will unlink your NNID from the system, since it will no longer be compatible with it. NNID's are locked to the region of your device that created them and cannot be transferred between regions without [a very complex and advanced process](
series did have a companion manga, and the two are strikinglydifferent. While the anime follows the adventures of Ash Ketchum and Pikachu, the manga leaves Ash's equivalent, Red, behind fairly quickly, following the journeys of a wide variety of characters from different re...