Trump’s fury over the investigations has raised alarms that he could seek to use the law enforcement powers of the department to pursue retaliation against his adversaries. On his first day in office Monday, he pardoned, commuted the prison sentences or vowed to dismiss the cases of all of...
Inspired by the above-described DR solutions in the automotive domain, two DR implementations were chosen, namely a see-through video feed of the occluding vehicle and a solution in which the occluding vehicle was made semi-transparent. Given that the different positions on the local-presence ...
Of course, companies as corporate citizens have a duty to follow the law but they cannot blur the distinction between private and public in their eagerness to be seen to be doing the right thing. Such directives from the top cannot exceed the powers of the law unless vaccines are mandatory ...
A lawyer, also known as an attorney, counselor, or barrister, is a professional practitioner of law who represents and advises clients on legal matters in and out of court. Some of the responsibilities of a lawyer include researching and drafting court papers, negotiating contracts, client counsel...
Results showed that among the models with different shunt positions, the area-averaged flow velocity magnitudes in the shunts were very similar, while the model with shunt at the main portal vein showed the lowest postoperative portal pressure and the smallest area of high wall shear stress near ...
Some countries have codified holidays bonuses as part of the labor law.Aguinaldo,for example, is an annual Christmas bonus that businesses in Mexico are required by law to pay to their employees. The payment, sometimes called the "thirteenth salary," must be made by Dec. 20 of each year. ...
State Insurance LawThe 2008 turmoil in the financial markets provided the primary impetus for significant financial reform of U. S. financial service institutions. The profound economic disruption had multiple causal factors, including, in part, the widespread use of privately negotiated over-the-...
3. He called on everyone to act in strict accordance with the Basic Law no matter how different their views and positions may be. 4. WHO originally reported the results last week but then recalled them, saying they had in fact tested a different woman. ...
Currently, the three main IR schools hold distinctive positions on norms. Ideal-typically, IRrealistsassume that norms barely matter in world politics. For them, state power, especially in military and economic relationships, explains most international affairs. Norms are a peripheral phenomenon. React...
This paper examines the mechanisms of differentiated discursive disciplining for immigrants of different religious backgrounds in the French media. Based on a sample of 120 articles on immigration in the French mainstream media, textual analyses and comp