Geo-social media data involve various kinds of inhomogeneities. These can concern, amongst others, the users, but also spatial distributions or the fact th
military and different organizational units; and no established operational procedures between police and military. 维持和平行动部对非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的评价发现没有既定 的区域政治战略;军事单位和各组 织单 位 的 任务 和职责没有界定;警察和军队之 间也没有既定的业务程...
P: Keep in mind that the we, transmitting by satellites, cell phone, cable, goes through no one central location that anyone controls. So many of the boundaries that exist today, political and economic, will be strained as never before. Some scientists say three quarters of the world’s la...
Rather than creating a harmonious global village, we increasingly recognise that the very same forces that have brought people together and broken down boundaries between peoples and nations are leading to nationalism, protectionism, and a desire for control. The world of 2030 will therefore likely ...
Dr John CC Chan, advisor of PRPA said, "Phenomenal advancements in communications technology have enabled vast amounts of information and data to be transmitted instantaneously to millions of recipients across national boundaries. This has greatly strengthened the armoury...
82 CHAPTER 3Rent-a-patient scam artists—whose audacity seemingly knows no boundaries—often submit exaggerated claims, stating falsely that their services were provided on an emergency basis in an attempt to obtain a higher reimbursement.81 These so-called health care providers also have a thorough...
Furthermore, listeners use such phonotactic restrictions to cue the location of word boundaries (McQueen, 1998). Thus, a spuriously embedded word such as “sigh” in “sign” will be disfavored, making it easier for the listener to reject “sigh” and hence recognize the word the speaker ...