aUpon receipt of the reported defective Parts from Customer with the required accompanying documentation and labeled with the ALCATEL-LUCENT Part Request Number, repair the defective Parts, at its discretion, and deliver the functional Parts within the specified Repair Delivery Time. 收到报告的缺陷部分...
Margarine, also known as spreadable butter, is a popular alternative to traditional butter. It is typically made from vegetable oils, such as soybean, canola, or sunflower oil. These oils undergo a process called hydrogenation, which transforms them into solids at room temperature. The two main ...
And this is the source of confusion for many. For DDR2, the clock rates are: 200 Mhz, 266 Mhz, 333 Mhz, 400 Mhz and 533 Mhz. But since SDRAM is DDR, it's transfer rates are: 400 MT/s (often labeled as Mhz instead), 532 MT/s, 666 MT/s, 800 MT/s ...
Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) fruits are rich in flavonoids such as anthocyanins and have a high nutritional value. The zinc finger protein transcription factor B-box (BBX) plays important roles in plant growth and development, hormone response, abiotic str
of the sweet taste receptor, we employed Frequency Locking Optical Whispering Evanescent Resonator (FLOWER) to directly observe the response of sweet ligands binding to the receptor. FLOWER is a whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator based sensor that is highly sensitive to surrounding environmental ...
A. thaliana contained 24 conserved ancestral genomic blocks (GBs, labeled A-X)31. Due to fractionation, 71 GBs were identified in B. rapa26. To further understand the duplication types of PG and PME genes, all of them were identified non-randomly on the GBs of ten B. rapa chromosomes (...
In plants, pollination is a critical step in reproduction. During pollination, constant communication between male pollen and the female stigma is required for pollen adhesion, germination, and tube growth. The detailed mechanisms of stigma-mediated reproductive processes, however, remain largely unknown...
Although we found a partial recovery in value when packages were labeled with the “Certified Fresh Taste” seal, participants did not value skim milk as much in round 3 as they did in round 1. Participants may have liked the flavor of the 2% milk more than they expected, and more than...
(A) Visualization of docking results for the vaccine-TLR2 complex. The vaccine construct is shown in gold, while TLR2 is depicted in green. (B) Magnified residues and their atoms are shown as sticks and labeled with chain, code, and number. Hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and other interact...
CuMnOS-0 without adding N2H4 has a lower Cu+ content and it is labeled as [Cu+]-low CuMnOS. CuMnOS-3 had a higher Cu+ content after adding N2H4 during the preparation stage and it is labeled as [Cu+]-high CuMnOS. Table 1 XPS composition analyses of CuMnOS catalysts. Full size ...