Callosus is a species known for its variety in the shades of its blooms. The flowers can be found in multiple color combinations and shades. 68. Tancarvilleae Tancarvilleae has huge, plates leaves, tall stems, and yellow, brown, white, and mauve flowers. 69. Phalaenopsis Orchids carausell...
Genomic sequences of ZJnb16-2 (GenBank accession number: MH236416), SDbz16-2 (GenBank accession number: MH588710) were 15,307 and 15,020 nucleotides in length respectively, excluding the poly (A) tails. Phylogenetic analysis of ZJnb16-2 and SDbz16-2 was constructed based on the complete...
The genus Hypericum comprises a large number of species. The flower, leaf, stem, and root of the Hypericum species are widely used in traditional medicine in different cultures. Many Hypericum species have been well investigated phytochemically and pharmacologically. However, only a few reports are...
Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 15175 (2019) Cite this article 4266 Accesses Metrics details Abstract In this case study, the mycelium growth of Sclerospora graminicola in the infected tissues of pearl millet and the process of sporulation and liberation of sporangia and zoospores ...
the solid, also known as shearing. such waves exhibit different properties from each other and also travel at different speeds. this effect is seen clearly in earthquakes. earthquakes are created due to the movement of the earth’s plates, which then send these disturbances in the form of ...
In both years a similar number of D. solani (4 and 5) and D. dianthicola (3 and 5) strains was isolated. Pectobacterium spp. were widespread on the territory of Poland (their occurrence was noted in at least 11 Polish regions; Supp. Figure 1), while the presence of Dickeya spp. ...
in order to get comprehensive insights into wheat tolerance to alkalinity-salinity stress. As a result of the low number of studies that focused on the combined effect of alkalinity-salinity stress relative to salinity-stress or alkalinity-stress, as well as the low number of studies that dealt...
Antibiotic disks of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 30 μg (AMC; HiMedia, India) were seeded on each plate of MHA within 15 min. MHA plates were incubated at 37 °C in ambient air for 18 h. After incubation, zones of inhibitions around AMC disks were measured in millimetre using ruler and ...
Whether you order on board, buy food at the airport, or bring your meal from home, keep in mind that simple, healthy foods are what most chefs who are frequent fliers choose: Fruit and cheese plates (err on the side of harder cheese when it comes to security restrictions); Asian stir-...
The multitude of dishes served in the hawker centers entice the appetite in this Asian city-state. These open-air food courts are always open for business, and it’s not uncommon to see hungry people scooping up bowls of savory curry noodles first thing in the morning. For a traditional ha...