Journal of HepatologyAvgerinos A, Viazis N, Vlachogiannakos J, Poulianos G, Armonis A, Manolakopoulos S, et al: Two different doses and duration schedules of somatostatin -14 in the treatment of patients with bleeding oesophageal varices: a non-randomised controlled study. J Hepatol 2000;...
Sanjana Rebecca Tharakan MDSNaveen Gopi Chander MDS, DNBKuttae Viswanthan Anitha MDSMuthukumar Balasubramanian MDS
Viromes of Chinese narcissus flowers were explored using transcriptome data from 20 samples collected at different flower development stages. Quality controlled raw data underwent de novo assembly, resulting in 5893 viral contigs that matched the seven virus species. The most abundant viruses were narci...