namely the neglect of persons with disabilities in humanitarian crises, the value, based on Article 11 of the CRPD that their inclusion must become an integral part of humanitarian action, and a set of different expected behaviors. These behaviors derive from the CRPD, in particular its general ...
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If Christianity taught that there are three Gods in One God, that would be a contradiction, and by the laws of logic, therefore false. For 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 and each 1 would be 1/3rd of the whole, which is anathema to trinitarian theology. But by analogizing God with math we see ...
origin of logics.The study on reasoning difficulty is not systematic in China,which mainly concerns the cause of the difficulties.The limitations of the study are analyzed from the aspects of research topics and methodology.There is also a tentative prediction to the future development of the ...
exploring the region’s increasing integration into imperial and international markets, although its application of Marxist class categories and laws of historical development sometimes oversimplified the nature of the conflicts or identities of the region’s inhabitants (Druzhinina 1959/ Pronshtein 1977)....
The Foundation of Knowledge: Sciences and Mathematics At the heart of academic inquiry lie the sciences, encompassing a broad spectrum of disciplines that strive to understand the natural world through observation, experimentation, and rigorous analysis. From the fundamental laws of physics ...
The Rome Statute (not to be confused with the Treaty of Rome that gave birth to the European Union) is an international treaty that aims to punish powerful individuals who can get away with killing and murder on a country scale because the laws of the land they are in will not or cannot...
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mathematics in which the laws of dependence which bind the variable quantities together are themselves subject to change.Differential calculus, a method of investigating mathematical questions by using the ratio of certain indefinitely small quantities called differentials. The problems are primarily of ...
Here this interpretation is extended for nonassociative logics (also with structural rules), logics with 1, logics with distributive laws for \\(\\wedge ,\\vee \\), logics with unary modalities, and multiplicative fragments.doi:10.1007/978-3-662-47197-5_2Wojciech Buszkowski...