Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Wellness Sleepmaxxing May Do You More Harm Than Good The Exact Number of Steps to Walk to Live Longer 14 Sleep Hacks Successful People Always Follow Could This Vitamin Lower Your Dementia Risk?
Psychiatrists -These doctors specialize in mental illnesses and will study, diagnoses and counsel and treat mental illnesses such as Bipolar, dementia, depression, Alzheimer's, etc. Pulmonologist- A doctor who is responsible for diagnosing and treats lung conditions and treating or managing critical ca...
One, I have copiouscourageand it’s built into my DNA and I don’t fear the opinions of others. I’m more afraid of the idea of sounding stupid or ignorant than of expressing myself. I love expressing myself. Not verbally persay. I’ve gotten more introverted and anxious since retirem...
We interviewed psychiatrists, patients with depression, and members of the public without depression to better understand their views on the invasiveness of several psychiatric electroceutical interventions (treatments that involve electrical or magnetic stimulation of the brain) for the treatment of ...
Talkspace articles are written by experiencedmental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and ...