[11] on Blastocystis prevalence in 72 domestic dogs (70 pound dogs and 2 pet dogs) in Brisbane showed a 70.8% prevalence using light microscopy on fecal wet mounts. These results raised the possibility that dogs might be natural hosts of Blastocystis and potential sources of zoonotic ...
Comparison between Ultrasound and Mechanical Stirring in the Presence of NaOH NaOH is another catalyst reported for biodiesel production. Figure 4 shows the time evolution of CtCrhhieegmmlEyEncngegiinrnieedeerreiinncggo22n0011v99e,,3r3,s,xixoFFnOORwRPiPtEEhEERaRRRNEEaVVOIIEEHWWcatalyst, using ...