CkiSdEn:eγy-.cyCsStaEt:hγio-cnyasstea,tThSioHn:arsheo, dTaSnHe:ser,hGodSaHn:egsleu,tGatShHio:ngeluretdatuhcieodneforremd,uGceSdSHfo: rgmlu,tGatShSioHn:egpluertasuthlfiiodnee. persulfide. In the present study, the effect of the garlic-derived allyl sulfides, such as diallyl sulfide...
pharmaceutics Article Effect of C-terminus Conjugation via Different Conjugation Chemistries on In Vivo Activity of Albumin-Conjugated Recombinant GLP-1 Junyong Park 1,†, Mijeong Bak 2,†, Kiyoon Min 2,† , Hyun-Woo Kim 3, Jeong-Haeng Cho 3 , Giyoong Tae 2 and Inchan Kwon 1,2,3...
2.6. 16S rDNA Sequencing of LAB Isolated from MRS Agar LAB isolated from MRS agar was identified by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing (primers coveriFnogodsV21019a,n8,dx FVO2R,P2E7ERFR(E5V-IEAWGA GTT TGA TYM TGG CTC AG-3 ) 907R (5 -CCG TCA7AofT1T9 CMT TTG AGT LTATB-3is)o...