English Grammar for Dummies states: “Different than is never correct. What you want is different from. You can stop reading right here because now you have all the information you need.” Plenty of non-dummies, including the author quoted above, have either said or written “different than....
但基本上 "from" 意思是 "比较","with" 意思是 "关乎".句子构造不同。一般来说说两件东西不同是...
There are three common prepositions or conjunctions used withdifferent:from,than, andto.Different fromis the oldest of these, showing evidence of use back to the 15th century. However,different toanddifferent thanare hardly recent additions to our language, having also been in use for hundreds of...
有些人说different than是不正确的。 Your grammar textbook may say you should never use “different than.” 语法教材可能会说,绝对不要用different than。 However, in American English, we use both “different from” and “different than” to mean “not the same”. 然而,在美式英语中,different fr...
Different from is the standard phrase. Most scholars obstinately avoid different than, especially in simple comparisons, such as You are different from me. However, some of the experts are more tolerant of different than, pointing out that the phrase has
1an english grammar questioni am not sure whether it is different from or different to.what i learnt form the school is different from and i also saw it in a english book,but an english told me it is different to.i'm so confused. 2 an english grammar question i am not sure whether...
‘Different from’ is correct, and ‘different to’ is passable, although not preferable. However, ‘different than’ is appalling grammar and should never be used. Think about it, the flip-side of it would be ‘similar than’ (should be ‘similar to’). I can’t understand why people ...
True or false?Different from,different than, anddifferent toare all correct under specific circumstances: A. True B. False 2 not attempted Different thanis best followed by: A. a conjunction B. an adverb C. a noun 3 not attempted
Different from:This product is different from the one I normally use. Different than:I see the issue in a different way than you do. (Although “from” is normally preferred, “than” is acceptable in order to avoid sentences like, “I see th...
In declaring one of your correspondents’ English composition skills to, well, blow, you cite the writer’s use of the expression different than (as opposed to different from) as being incorrect. To the best of my knowledge, no reputable British or American authority on formal English usage ...