2012. Different forms of potassium and their contributions toward potassium uptake under long-term maize (Zea mays L.) - wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) rotation on an inceptisol. Commun Soil Sci Plant Anal. 43:936-947....
1) different froms of potassium 不同形态钾 2) different forms 不同形态 1. Flow and heat transfer characteristics ofdifferent formsof nanometer particles in oscillating heat pipe; 振荡热管内不同形态纳米颗粒流动及传热特性 更多例句>> 3) different forms of iron ...
Quantifying the Impact Factors of Different Forms of Potassium and Absorptions by Different Cotton Genotypes[J] . Wenming He,Hongming He,Yang Cheng,Fang Chen.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis . 2015 (19)He, W.M., He, H.M., Cheng, Y., Chen, F., 2015. Quantifying the ...
The pot experiments were carried out to study the effects of different forms of potassium fertilizer ratio on rape biomass and nutrient utilization.The results indicated that different forms of potassium fertilizer could significantly improve the biomass,potassium nutrient content and potassium accumulation ...
different forms of iron不同Fe形态 3)mercury species不同形态汞 1.Temporal and spatial distribution of different mercury species in precipitation of Wujiang River Basin;乌江流域大气降雨中不同形态汞的时空分布 4)different froms of potassium不同形态钾 5)Different forms of nitrogen不同形态氮 6)different...
potassiumwheatThis study aimed to investigate the effect of some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria with potassium dissolution ability on different forms of potassium in soil under the cultivation of wheat. The factorial experiment was conducted as a randomized complete design with three replications in...
5) different froms of potassium 不同形态钾 6) Different forms of nitrogen 不同形态氮 例句>> 补充资料:不同的纬度,不同的星空 我们已经知道,一年当中各个季节,我们所看见的星空是各不相同的,因此有四季星空之说。那么,你是否还知道地球上纬度不同的各个地方所看见的星空,也是各不相同的呢?比如,著名的19...
Impacts of long-term lack of potassium fertilization on different forms of soil potassium and crop yields on the North China Plains Article 22 January 2017 Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, yield and agronomic traits of oat cultivars as affected by fertilizer N rates under diverse environments Art...
5) different froms of potassium 不同形态钾 6) Different forms of nitrogen 不同形态氮 例句>> 补充资料:不同的纬度,不同的星空 我们已经知道,一年当中各个季节,我们所看见的星空是各不相同的,因此有四季星空之说。那么,你是否还知道地球上纬度不同的各个地方所看见的星空,也是各不相同的呢?比如,著名的19...
上文“Energy can come in many different forms.(能源可以有许多不同的形式。)”提出能源有多种形式,G项“For example, light energy, heat energy, and chemical energy are all different forms of energy.(例如,光能、热能和化学能都是不同形式的能源。)”举例说明能源有哪些形式,上下文语意连贯。故选G项...