Hemodynamic stability during different forms of dialysis therapy: a pathogenetic analysis. Blood Purif. 1996;14(6):405-420.Van Kuijk WHM, Leunissen KML. Hemodynamic instability during different forms of dialysis therapy: a pathogenetic analysis. Blood Purif 1996; 14: 405±420...
Hemodynamic instability during different forms of dialysis therapy: do we really know why? 喜欢 0 阅读量: 26 作者: LW Henderson 摘要: Author information: (1)Renal Division, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, McGaw Park, IL 60015, USA.关键词:...
There are many different types of tertiary care services, including brain surgery, burn care, cancer therapy, dialysis, magnetic...
Other exclusion criteria included severe aortic stenosis, anticipated cardiac transplantation, transfer from another in-hospital setting; chronic dialysis, use of a left ventricular assist device, patients receiving chemotherapy, high-output heart failure, age younger than 20 years, and concomitant use of...
Department of Dialysis and Apheresis, The University of Tokyo Hospital, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8655, Japan Yoshihisa Miyamoto, Yoshifumi Hamasaki & Masaomi Nangaku Corresponding author Correspondence to Kent Doi. Additional file Additional file 1: Figure S1. Weight-adjusted FR in AK...
Arrowheads indicate bands corresponding to different protein forms when multiple bands are present. P, phosphorylated form. Source numerical data and unprocessed blots are available in Source data. Source data Full size image Fig. 3: Blockage of proper lysosomal enzyme sorting and delivery disconnects...
As seen in Fig. 2c, the fluorescence anisotropy (r) values of CMT-3 increased concomitantly to the appearance of aggregated species of α-synuclein (Fig. 2c). Binding data suggests that CMT-3 only interacts with aggregated forms of α-synuclein, which would therefore leave monomers ...
Vesicle associated membrane protein 2 (VAMP2/synaptobrevin2), a core SNARE protein residing on synaptic vesicles (SVs), forms helix bundles with syntaxin-1 and SNAP25 for the SNARE assembly. Prior to the SNARE assembly, the structure of VAMP2 is unclear. Here, by using in-cell NMR spectrosc...
(Fig.3G, Hand Supplemental Fig. S9, S10). In the discussion section, we thoroughly discuss the relationship between different models of PTCs and different forms of regulated death modalities. Specifically intervening in one or more cell death pathways in different models might be effective in ...
“I gained back my weight and my strength, and I’m thinking of going back to work,” Gomez said. “I cannot express my gratitude enough to Dr. Gallon and to Ray.” Meanwhile Fearing is back on dialysis to control his FSGS. Once his disease becomes less aggressive, Gollan and Fearing...