In this article, after first introducing superstatistics, the effective Boltzmann factor in a deformed formalism for modified Dirac delta, uniform, two-level and Gamma distributions is derived. Then we make use of the superstatistics for four important problems in physics and the thermodynamic ...
These data products need to be robust in both the statistical sense (i.e. to changes in the underlying distributions/assumptions) and in the software engineering sense (i.e. to changes in the underlying technological infrastructure).This is a ripe field for research. 在商业上,数据分析不仅仅进...
statistics in departments,asstatisticallylessthan 5 per cent. 例如,一个信息技术系统的重大故障的影响可以被估计为 严重(预计会中断关键的业务流程几天),其可能性/概率可参考现有控制措施和各 部门现有的故障统计数字,加以计算,为从统计上说,小于 5%。
Weibull distribution is a very flexible family of distributions which has been applied in a vast number of disciplines. In this work, we investigate stochastic properties of the smallest order statistics from two independent heterogeneous Weibull random variables with different scale and shape parameters...
Pearson E S,Johnson N L,Burr I W.Comparison of the percentage points of distributions with the same first four moments, chosen from eight different systems of frequency curves.Communications in Statistics Part B Simulation and Computation. 1979...
In parallel, several new flexible continuous distributions was studied. In particular, [8] recently introduced a new two-parameter lifetime distribution, called the inverted Kumaraswamy (IK) distribution. It is characterized by the cdf given by G ( x ; a , b ) = 1 − ( 1 + x ) ...
Information on dietary adequacy is needed to assess food and nutrition security in a modern society, especially in the transition towards climate-friendly food systems. In this study, differences in the nutritional adequacy of diets among Finnish adults were evaluated in population groups of different...
ABOVE: Fig. 2. The Datasaurus Dozen. While different in appearance, each dataset has the same summary statistics (mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s correlation) to two decimal places. Method The key insight behind our approach is that while it is relatively difficult to generate a ...
Log in Learn about institutional subscriptions Read our FAQs Contact customer support Data availability GWAS summary statistics of the 42 diseases are publicly available from our website (JENGER; and the National Bioscience Database Center Human Database (https://human...
major depressive disorder and five other psychiatric disorders. CC-GWAS identified 196 independent case–case loci, including 72 CC-GWAS-specific loci that were not significant at the genome-wide level in the input case–control summary statistics; two of the CC-GWAS-specific loci implicate the ge...