It has been my experience that this is the best dental office in Santa Fe, and I would venture to say in the entire state. For high-quality work for a wide range of dental issues, including cosmetic and specialty procedures, there is no better choice. Dr. Roybal and Dr. Coyne uphold...
with all that hardware on the inside of your teeth, they will be more uncomfortable at first and take longer to get used to. They’re also harder to clean and may not be the best choice for severe types of dental problems.
Before differentiating between the different types of dental crowns, consider the functions they serve. Learn more here about dental crowns.
Demand for cosmetic therapy of gingival melanin pigmentation is common. Re-pigmentation after gingival depigmentation is an important point. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of surgical scraping and electrosurgery on postoperative pain, healing and recurrence of pigmentation. Fifteen patie...
The present study aims to identify the effect of corrective surgeries of such cosmetic deformities on the quality of life of the patients. Case Reports: Patients diagnosed with condylar pathologies resulting in facial asymmetry subjected to the corrective surgeries. The quality of life assessment was ...
1Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, AlFarabi Private College for Dentistry and Nursing, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 2Department of Fixed Prosthodontic, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Assiut Branch, Cairo, Egypt; 3Department of Restorative Dental S...
He also offers non-surgical procedures. These treatments will aid you in getting the look you desire with no downtime. These treatments are also less costly than PS500. Dr. Ayad, a plastic surgeon, is available. Aesthetic procedures are not just about cosmetic surgery. Dr. Ayad Aesthetics.....
Objectives: Vital tooth bleaching with peroxide is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in dentistry and can be accomplished using a variety of methods or regimens. Recently, new generation of tooth color restorative materials were introduced to market. The purpose of this in vitro study was...
DENTAL crownsGINGIVAL hyperplasiaCOSMETIC dentistryPERIODONTIUMBONE graftingGINGIVAL recessionIntroduction: Aesthetics has been one of the most discussed and explored subjects in today's dentistry. Therefore, the search for procedures aimed at facial harmonization has been more frequent in denta...
Vital tooth-bleaching is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures requested by patients in daily dental practice. There are various materials and protocols for treating discolored teeth since the introduction of vital tooth-bleaching to dental practice. In-office bleaching can be performed clinically...