Children spend as much as ten hours per day, five days a week in childcare centers and preschools. In providing healthy environments, these facilities deal with a variety of pest and pesticide issues influenced by their geographic location, local environment, and pesticide regulations. Some rely ...
In addition, different aspects of child communication promoted neural synchrony between mothers and fathers and child during active play interactions. Overall, our findings indicate greater neural and behavioral synchrony between mothers than fathers and young children during passive or active shared ...
Autism spectrum development (ASD) is a heterogeneous neurodevelopmental condition [1] characterized by challenges in reciprocal social interaction and social communication and neurodivergence in behavior patterns, interests, and activities. These traits often become evident in early childhood [2, 3]. Despi...
Advances in Medical Education and Practice Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article ORIGINAL RESEARCH "I Need to Be the First One with a Different Approach and to Make a Difference to the People": A Mixed Methods Pilot Study on Non-Physician ...
Although this study focuses on controlling the SARS-CoV-2 infection risk in U.S. schools, the framework can be extended to other infectious diseases within other indoor environments in other countries, to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment. 2. Data and methods 2.1. Data description A...
experiences of diverse forms of racism coinciding with participants perceptions during the interviews. Thus, self-reflective notes and joint-researcher communication was used to protect mental health, preventing any responsive emotions during the interview processes....
Developing a national snapshot of pesticide use practices in childcare centers using three different communication venuesIntroduction: To reduce young children's exposure to pests and pesticides, an integrated pest management (IPM) intervention was provided for child care center staff. Methods: The 7-...
Due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic, we attempted to assess its consequences in terms of mental health and physical fitness of university students from countries in which different approaches to these issues were adopted. Methods: A total of 779 medical students (374 students ...
primary care can be based at a remote location in the rural setting, whereas the orthopedic services are centered at the main hospital. It is important that the communication between these offices is conducted in real time, and the patient should experience well-coordinated and team-based care,...