Note that the preference of a model was set as NA if the fitting failed in at least one dataset. In Python, the Matplotlib drawing package (Hunter, 2007) was used to plot Mag of one habitat on the abscissa and the Mag of another habitat on the ordinate and to examine whether most ...
After obtaining the correlation coefficients between the factors, we used the matplotlib.pyplot library in Python to visualize the correlation matrix. According to Figure 6, the positive correlation between the factors becomes stronger as the color gets lighter; the strength of the negative correlation...
The ROC curve was plotted using the matplotlib package in Python. A nonparametric test, the Mann—Whitney U test, was used to compare the clinical characteristics of correctly and incorrectly predicted images, because most measurements of the test images were not normally distributed. The analysis ...
(log_density_prediction.detach().cpu().numpy()[0,0])# first image in batch, first (and only) channelaxs[1].plot(fixation_history_x,fixation_history_y,'o-',color='red')axs[1].scatter(fixation_history_x[-1],fixation_history_y[-1],100,color='yellow',zorder=100)axs[1].set_axis...
Visualization was performed using a script written in Python with matplotlib. Programs were run using default parameters, unless otherwise noted. Ancestral Sequence Reconstruction. Nonredundant sortase sequences were sourced from the NCBI protein database [51]. Cluster Database at High Intensity with ...
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae is a free-floating species growing in lakes and slow-flowing rivers near the shore in Europe and Western Asia, and as an invasive plant in the USA and Canada. Light-requiring plants of this species can also grow in the shade, up
The resulting values were adjusted using the Benjamini and Hochberg's approach for controlling the false discovery rate (FDR; [90]). Genes with a normalized non-zero log2 fold change expression and an FDR < 0.01 were defined as differentially expressed. Python's matplotlib library was used to...