Cyclones are classified according to their wind speed. However, the classification varies from region to region. In the United States, they are classified into five different categories based on their wind speed as measured on the Safire-Simpson scale (SS scale). The types of cyclones are: Mini...
Comparing these categories, we find that the land–sea contrast is more important for supplying baroclinicity to cyclones in C1, while the strong low‐level baroclinicity in C3 is also partially attributable to the SST front. The propagation of cyclones in C1 and C3 near the left exit reg...
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics : Specific Techniques for Different Flow Categories : 2 Theoretical and applications aspects of computational fluid dynamics are examined in an introductory text for students of science, engineering, and applied... - Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics :...
We concentrate on cyclones staying either on the cold (C1) or warm (C2) side of the SST front, and on cyclones that cross the SST front from the warm to the cold side (C3). Comparing these categories, we find that the land–sea contrast is more important for supplying baroclinicity ...
In this study, we aimed to investigate the extensiveness and severity of the effect caused by Typhoon Hato among the three primary plant communities in Macau, China, including Guia Hill, Taipa Grande, and Ka Ho. The plants' damage was classified into seven categories, ranging from...
The climatology of different classifications (based on the intensity at the landfall time) of tropical cyclones (TCs) making landfall in Guangdong Province of China during 1951–2020 (70 years) is investigated using the best track data from the China Meteorological Administration and ERA5 reanalysis...
Wetlands and water bodies make up a smaller portion, with wetlands occupying 0.1% and water bodies covering 1% of the total land area. The remaining land cover percentages are attributed to less dominant categories such as semi-natural vegetation and open spaces/bare soils [37]. The ...
These categories increased for the flood damage because the exceedance probability of the flood was not considered as it was for flood risk in the three methodologies. Therefore, flood damage provides the losses caused by a given flood event without considering how probable that loss may be. In ...
The wind direction distributions of different wind speed categories visualized as the wind rose (Figure 2) clearly indicate the dominant wind directions of stronger bora events during the measurements. Figure 2. The wind rose from 10-min wind averages of all data. The wind speed category limits...
Oceania had the fewest events in both categories, with four industrial explosions and zero miscellaneous explosions; (e) Fires (industrial and miscellaneous): North America recorded the most industrial fire events (0.09%) and miscellaneous fire events (0.43%). Oceania had the fewest events in both...