Hailing all the way from Mexico, theChihuahuahas become a celebrated toy breed the world over. Recently,Chihuahua mixeshave grown in popularity, too. Both apple head anddeer head Chihuahuasare crossed with other purebreds to create these hybrids. You can also find short- and long-haired Chihuah...
The Short-Haired Dachshund is the most common Dachshund that most people think of when they think of this breed. They have short legs, a long body, and a smooth coat, making them easily recognizable as a Dachshund. They make great companions for someone who lives in a quiet environment, b...
Here we have the adorable Dameranian, a Dachshund, and Pomeranian mix. In terms of grooming, this particular breed will require a lot of brushing. This breed will have a thick, medium to long coat between the various coat types from the Dachshund parent and the fluff of a Pomeranian. The...
The American Bully is a newer breed with a variety of sizes ranging from “Pocket” (17” tall) to “XL” (23”). There is little in the way of a breed standard yet for this newly popular Pitbull breed. Seemingly every kennel has its own idea of how the American Bully should look....
Leashes made of metal chain are the least popular of leashes available but are well suited to those dogs that just will not stop chewing their leash. They can be quite heavy depending on their size but this isn’t a worry to such a strong breed as a Labrador. ...
To wrap it up, after the Rocky incident I am hesitant to approach any dog. Big or small, they all can bite. But thanks to Sandi, I no longer judge a dog by their breed. When I started writing this a couple of weeks ago I stumbled across an article and video of another pit bull...
Poodle mixes, or designer dogs, are the offspring of purebred Poodles and another purebred dog breed. Poodle mixes are popular due to their hypoallergenic coat, intelligence, loyalty, and other positive traits inherited from Poodles. Poodle mixes like Goldendoodles, Yorkipoos, and Poochons are co...
The most represented breed was mixed breed (n: 12), followed by eight Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and two each of the following breeds: Boxer, Dachshund, Maltese. Other represented breeds were Beagle, Boston Terrier, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel, French Bulldog, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever...
Another strategy for controlling Erwinia is to breed resistant/tolerant apple cultivars. One way of accelerating the breeding process is to obtain resistant cultivars by inserting one or several major resistance genes, using genetic engineering. To date, no study summarizing the impact of different FB...
"I was drawn to spending a lot of time around puppies, of course, but also to the immense variety of looks and techniques out there to groom dogs. They look like living sculptures, and it's tough to learn how to groom every breed well. I guess the never-ending challenge of learning ...