QUALITY MANAGEMENT WITH DIFFERENT APPROACHES AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE TQM CONCEPTThe Total Quality Philosophy (TQM) must be implemented not only in activities of "Operating Management" ("do things correctly the first time") whose job is to manage the business processes regarding the production, ...
Earth Observation Applications to Landslide Mapping, Monitoring and Modeling: Cutting-edge Approaches with Artificial Intelligence, Aerial and Satellite Imagery, 2024. DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-823868-4.00015-5 43. Chen, C., Shen, Z., Fang, L. et al. Incorporating modelling uncertainty and prior ...
But there are other approaches to quality. While ISO, Risk Management, Equivocal QC, Lean and Six Sigma dominate the quality conversation today (at least as of 2008), they aren’t the only quality management systems out there. There is at least one quality management approach that doesn’t ...
A Cost-Effectiveness and Quality of Life Analysis of Different Approaches to the Management and Treatment of Localized Prostate Cancer The aim of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) of active monitoring (AM), radical prostatectomy (PR), ... ...
Psychiatric nursing education was significantly impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, and innovative teaching can be challenging. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of four approaches to psychiatric nursing education in the context of the pand
However, it is very difficult, time-consuming, and costly to manually manage the heightened demand for personalized user experience. Thus, many companies have resolved to marketing automation to tailor their approaches for each targeted customer. Similar to Moschino, a well-known International Education...
Nutrient Management: Regulatory Approaches to Protect Water Quality Utilities work with regulators to treat wastewater to levels that protect human health and ecosystems. Water quality criteria and permits are based on scientifically defensible and shared understanding of sources of pollutants in a water....
Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) has been proposed as a risk factor for future cognitive decline and dementia. Given the heterogeneity of SCD and the lack of consensus about how to classify this condition, different operationalization approaches still
2 APPROACHES TO ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT Organisational behaviour is a discursive subject and much has been written about it. The study of organisations and management has therefore to proceed on a broad front. It is the comparative study of the different approaches that will yield benefits to ...
Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is a key indicator with which to study nitrogen cycles and inform nitrogen management. However, different quantification approaches may result in substantially divergent NUE values even for the same production system or for the same experimental plot. Based on our investi...