aFrom top to bottom, each plot shows the logistic regressionq-value for the sex effect; difference in proportion of mutated samples between the sexes with blue denoting male-dominated bias; and mutation proportion for each gene. Covariate bars indicate mutation context and tumour subtype of interes...
The creeping vole, Microtus oregoni: karyotype and sex-chromosome differ- ences between two geographical populations. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 47: 181-184.Libbus BL and Johnson LA , ( 1988 ). The creeping vole, Microtus oregoni: karyotype and sex-chromosome differences between two geographical...
However, if you live in one of 11 legal states — Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Nevada, Colorado, Michigan, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Illinois — including the nation’s capital, you have full, legal access to both THC and CBD products and extracts. Even if you don’t...
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331, USA Fritzi S. Grevstad Agriculture and AgriFood Canada-Lethbridge Research Centre, 5403-1st Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB, T1J 4B1, Canada Robert S. Bourchier Northwestern Washington Research and Extension Cente...
The laboratory findings were compared with casual field observations on Streptocaphalus torvicornis that indicate differential vertical distribution between the sexes and a nocturnal vertical migration. Migratory behaviour with ascent starting at dusk is also predicted for S. proboscideus . This ...
California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia (D.C.), Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington recognize domestic partnerships, but the exact laws vary by state. In addition, the state of Michigan does not recognize a domestic partnership. Still, the cities of Ann Arbor, Detroi...
Wyoming Arkansas Hawaii Iowa Minnesota Nevada Oklahoma Utah District of Columbia Maine New Hampshire Pennsylvania Tennessee West Virginia California Idaho Kansas Missouri New Mexico Oregon Washington 4 WHAT TO FILE/DOCUMENTATION Question: What forms or documents must the employer include in an application?
State-level rates significantly surpassed the overall US rate (0.47 deaths per 100 000 population) in DC (high, 1.78 deaths per 100 000 population), Hawaii, Oklahoma, California, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mississippi, Oregon, Washington, Louisiana, Kentucky, and New York (low, 0.61 deaths...
The goal of this study, conducted in 11 states that span the nation, was to compare the prevalence of breast and colorectal cancer screening and identify factors associated with guideline adherence between rural-dwelling and urban-dwelling women aged 50 to 75 years. This analysis used data from...
52–80 km, respectively; Appendix 1) and the only study swamp between the Shelltown and Nassawango Creek gages (10.8 and 29.4 river km upstream and downstream of Hickory, respectively). Other Pocomoke River study swamps were upstream of the Nassawango gage. Nanticoke River study swamps were...