The sexual dimorphism in bacterial infections has been mainly attributed to the differential levels of sex hormones between males and females, as well as to genetic factors. In general, males are more susceptible to gastrointestinal and respiratory bacterial diseases and sepsis, while females are more...
Gender differences were found regarding the relationship between SES and all social capital variables (except locus of control) and happiness. The results confirm that efforts to facilitate individual social capital correspond to greater happiness among South Africans. Furthermore, it highlights the need...
The social role of gender is often enacted not only through the interactions between individuals of the same gender, but, more importantly, those of the opposite gender [6]. Gender roles in almost all cultures are complimentary to one another, often with strict boundaries and functions which def...
This means that, unlike an SASU manager, they don’t receive the same social security benefits and are instead covered by the social security system for the self-employed (sécurité sociale des indépendants, or SSI). Social security coverage for a TNS provides fewer benefits but is less ...
Social Security and SSI benefits discrimination and civil rights violations How difficult is it to win a case in civil court? To win, you must prove your civil case by the “preponderance of the evidence.” In other words, the judge or jury must believe that your case is stronger th...
746 Evaluation of pneumoconiosis in turkey's annual statistics of occupational diseases between 2006 and 2015 Introduction Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution (SSI) is the institution responsible for statistics of occupational diseases in Turkey by law. We aimed to evaluate proportion of pneumo...
As these examples show, handicaps and disabilities don’t have to stop people from achieving their goals in life. With hard work and determination, anything is possible. Handicapped vs. Disabled: Why It Matters for Social Security Aside from simply understanding the complex differences between these...
1.1. Work-Related Behavior and Experience Patterns: The AVEM The AVEM considers employees’ health as a continuum between health and disease depending on their perception and interaction with the working environment. The salutogenetic approach of the AVEM primarily evaluates factors maintaining and imp...
Moreover, there is a large gap between the underdeveloped and developed areas in China. Provincial economic disparity was proven to have a negative effect on economic growth in China, which could limit the healthy development of the national economy or even increase social instability [10]. This...
Taking into account that Turkey is both one of the countries that rank at the bottom of well-being measures among OECD countries [20], and the large gap in well-being between its regions, it is remarkable to focus on the Turkish case. Considering the lack of studies that use spatial mode...