Although smoking were different between females and males (p = 0.034), only psychiatric disease in father's family presented a significant value as given by the sva package analysis (Supplemental Figure 1) and was corrected accordingly. In addition, data were adjusted for batch ...
The crystal structure has been solved and refined by a combination of three-dimensional Patterson and Fourier series and by the method of least squares. 1873 independent integrated intensities were measured by PEXRAD; the final agreement factor between measured and calculated structure factors is ...
Association studies were retrieved systematically from PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Knowledge. Allelic and genotype frequencies of rs3825942, rs1048661, and rs2165241 were compared between PEX/PEXG and controls. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated using a random ...
The crystal structure has been solved and refined by a combination of three-dimensional Patterson and Fourier series and by the method of least squares. 1873 independent integrated intensities were measured by PEXRAD; the final agreement factor between measured and calculated structure factors is ...
ZFS is a complicated, powerful system. Unfortunately, it isn't actually magic, and there's a lot of opportunity for disappointment if you don't understand...
An estimated 70% to 80% of orthologous protein sequences are distinct between humans and chimpanzees [8, 9, 11]. However, a substantial proportion of differences may have no functional impact on human-specific diseases. Positive selection analyses can determine which nucleotide changes contribute to...
An estimated 70% to 80% of orthologous protein sequences are distinct between humans and chimpanzees [8, 9, 11]. However, a substantial proportion of differences may have no functional impact on human-specific diseases. Positive selection analyses can determine which nucleotide changes contribute to...
The crystal structure has been solved and refined by a combination of three-dimensional Patterson and Fourier series and by the method of least squares. 1873 independent integrated intensities were measured by PEXRAD; the final agreement factor between measured and calculated structure factors is ...
L. Contaminant diffusion, solubility, and material property differences between HDPE and PEX potable water pipes. J. Environ. Eng. 136 (2), 227-237.Whelton, A.; Dietrich, A.; Gallagher, D. Contaminant Diffusion, Solubility, and Material Property Differences between HDPE and ...
The crystal structure has been solved and refined by a combination of three-dimensional Patterson and Fourier series and by the method of least squares. 1873 independent integrated intensities were measured by PEXRAD; the final agreement factor between measured and calculated structure factors is ...