These findings suggested that high-altitude adaptation in response to hypoxemia has different underlying mechanisms between men and women. These results can help to explain how to adapt high-altitude for men and women, respectively. HtlSiapmutOimoit2nsaanpttoushalmimgltohiotv-unaedaldtreiiytnhuOt...
Grasso R, Zago M, Lacquaniti F. Interactions between posture and locomotion: motor patterns in humanswalking with bent posture versus erect posture. J Neurophysiol 2000 Jan; 83 (1): 288–300 PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Huston LJ, Wojtys EM. Neuromuscular performance characteristics in elite female ...
death. Elderly with death on scene more often show serious thorax injuries and pelvic fractures than the younger. Some hints point towards older fatalities showing less frequently serious abdominal injuries. In hospital, elderly fatalities show lower Injury Severity Scores (ISSs) compared to the younge...
However, it has not been shown whether these differences are found for all types of bullying, or how they relate to friendships generally and the impact of differing school systems. We aimed to see whether previously found differences between ijime and bullying could be replicated, and, if so,...