In addition, the metabolites were analyzed in the nectar, nectaries and leaves of both plant species to address the question of whether concentration gradients for different metabolites exist between the nectaries and nectar The nectar of N. tabacum contains large amounts of glucose, fructose and ...
Springer NM, Kaeppler SM: Evolutionary divergence of monocot and dicot methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins. Plant Physiol. 2005, 138: 92-104. CAS PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Zemach A, Grafi G: Methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins in plants: interpreters of DNA methylation. Trends Plant...
Okamoto,Y. Hori.Differences in Field Gas Exchange and Water Relations Between a C3 Dicot (Plantago Asiatica) and a C4 Monocot (Eleusine Indica)[J]. Photosynthetica .1999(1)Kobayashi T, Okamoto K, Hori Y. Differences in field gas exchange and water relations between a C3 dicot (Plantago ...
After we found the high similarity of codon usage patterns among these 12 genomes, we compared the codon usage patterns between the photosynthesis-related (Photo-genes) and genetic system-related genes (Genet-genes), and between the cultivated crop species of potato and tomato and their wild ...