Fig. 1: Sex-biases in mutation frequency of driver genes, SNV density and tumour evolution. a From top to bottom, each plot shows the logistic regression q-value for the sex effect; difference in proportion of mutated samples between the sexes with blue denoting male-dominated bias; and muta...
Finally, survey knowledge is knowledge of the layout of the environment, including metric distances and directions between landmarks. People with survey knowledge of an environment can navigate to a location in that environment, using novel, unlearned routes (i.e., shortcuts) and point accurately...
Metric and comparative analysis of sexual dimorphism in the Thai femur. J Forensic Sci. 1998;43:954–8. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Macho GA. Is sexual dimorphism in the femur a “population specific phenomenon”? Z Morphol Anthropol. 1990;78:229–42. PubMed CAS Google Scholar ...
We predicted that MVPA would reveal GM mor- phometric patterns that are different in TD girls and TD boys. We further predicted that the patterns of GM morphometry ASD sex differences would be different from the normative sex difference patterns. Finally, how sex differences in neuroanatomy might...
Comparison of ground reaction forces between obese and control young adults during quiet standing on a baropodometric platform Cross-sectional study in university setting.Given the characteristic distribution of body fat in obesity, it is possible that obesity may systematically alter... G, Gravante,...
(2) be imputed with good certainty: information metric (info score)≥0.4, and (3) be associated with AD case–control status (as determined by clinical consensus diagnosis of cognitive status), after adjusting for age, batch, and the first 3 PCs estimated from genotype data, at nominal P-...
52–80 km, respectively; Appendix 1) and the only study swamp between the Shelltown and Nassawango Creek gages (10.8 and 29.4 river km upstream and downstream of Hickory, respectively). Other Pocomoke River study swamps were upstream of the Nassawango gage. Nanticoke River study swamps were...
To improve therapeutic strategies targeting VCO in the rHGP, in-depth molecular characterization of the interplay between cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment is essential. Therefore, the identification of detectable biomarkers prior to resection for differing HGPs is critical given that they respon...
and its ranking of individuals does not differ substantially depending on the test battery. Among the sources of between-individual variance that are extractable from a set of cognitive test scores, it tends to be thegfactor that leads the way in being associated with life outcomes, and with ...
To identify global transcriptional changes occurring under salt stress, we applied four independent metrics to identify genes that were differentially expressed between the 24-h salt-stressed callus and control callus samples inP. euphraticaandP. pruinosa. For each metric, we selected those DEGs whose...