Negative kataphatics affirms God's wisdom in the face of suffering and evil. Moreover, G. insists that positive apophatics, engendered by self-transcending love, results in a fecund nothingness, which gives the most intimate, connatural, awareness of the divine presence. It also reveals the ...
Hell is a place regarded in certain religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, a fiery place below the earth where sinful people are punished after death.Inferno simply means a great fire or hot place. 查看翻译 2 likes Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) ...
of"harmony"isaccurateinthisrespect, correspondingtotheoriginalandfaithfultotheoriginal. [thefutureunderworldwasthrownlostfunctioninviewofthese situationsinthelakeoffire],Hadesisthetemporary detentionofdeadsoulsoftherighteous,tothegraveof paradise,sinnerstothegravesuffering.WhentheLord's return,believersanddead...
There is tension, however, between moral extensionism and nonhuman animals. Up to the species barrier it was comparatively easy for the circle of ethics to expand, because the differences between one’s own self and other human beings could be clearly shown to be surmountable. But crossing the...
The possibility of suffering harm or injury His life was in danger Dangerous Involving or filled with danger; perilous. Danger Exposure or vulnerability to harm or risk. Dangerous Being able or likely to do harm. Danger A source or an instance of risk or peril. Dangerous Full of danger. Rai...
Heaven is associated with positive connotations, such as happiness and peace, while hell is associated with negative connotations, such as suffering and torment. Heaven is believed to be the destination of good souls after death, while hell is the destination of evil souls after death. ...
“For He has not despised nor scorned the suffering of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face from him; But when he cried to Him for help, He heard.” ~Psalms 22:24 “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one...
While illnesses are generally perceived as ailments that can be acute or chronic, causing discomfort or distress, conditions can be lifelong and not always associated with suffering or negative outcomes. For example, a person can have a medical condition like high blood pressure that is managed wit...
Author Octavia Butler puts it on the same plane as other forms of hatred: "Simple peck-order bullying is only the beginning of the kind of hierarchical behavior that can lead to racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, classism and all the other 'isms' that cause so much suffering in the world." ...
Billions have been led to believe that God’s wrath is when He uses His power to inflict pain, suffering, and torture upon His children. This is a lie! And this lie is the fruit, the unavoidable result, of believing another lie—that God’s law functions like human law; that is, ...