Ubuntu and other Linux distributions contain open-source software, so anyone can modify it, remix, and roll their own versions. Linux Mint’s first stable version, “Barbara,” was released in 2006. Barbara was a lightly customized Ubuntu system with a different theme and slightly different defa...
Linux Mint vs Ubuntu comparison. Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution on personal computers and Linux Mint is the second most popular. Even though Mint is based on Ubuntu (which in turn is based on Debian), their interface and default applicatio
The distinction between different Linux distros can be confusing. Here's how Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distros are different.
Ubuntu ServervsUbuntu Desktopcan’t be a difficult question for you to answer. Which versions are you familiar with and what do you use them for? You’re welcome to share your experience, recommendations, and points in the comments section below....
Today we'll tackle those questions so that you know how to best install packages on Ubuntu. APT vs dpkg: Two Important Package Installers APT anddpkgare both command-line package management interfaces you can use in the terminal on Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems. They can, among other...
In the case of Manjaro Linux, you get the freedom to enable Flatpak/Snap if required. With Ubuntu, the Software Center is not the best Linux offers. It could prove to be slower, as per your system configuration and over the year as you use it. ...
Linux: su v/s sudo NOTE– This article is more applicable toUbuntubased distributions, but also applicable to most of the popularLinuxdistributions. ‘su’ Vs ‘sudo’ ‘su‘ forces you to share yourroot passwordto other users whereas ‘sudo‘ makes it possible to execute system commands with...
In either case, if you are looking forcustomizability and more utilities, try Kubuntu.Considering youprefersimplicity, you cannot go wrong with Ubuntu. 💬What is your favorite Linux distribution among the two and why?
Despite their differences, Ubuntu and Kubuntu are not in competition but rather serve different user preferences within the Ubuntu ecosystem. Choosing between them comes down to personal preference regarding the desktop environment and the user experience one seeks from a Linux distribution. Users can ...
Thesdiffcommand typically comes with the standard installation ofmost Linux distributions. However, if it is not installed, you can install it using your package manager. $ sudo apt install diffutils [OnDebian, Ubuntu and Mint] $ sudo yum install diffutils [OnRHEL/CentOS/FedoraandRocky/AlmaLinux...