Time zones: 时区 这是一个固定说法,不能说成time areas或time places。 跨经度很大的国家通常会有好几个时区: 6 time zones in America: 美国有6个时区 美国大陆地区: EST = Eastern Standard Time: 东部标准时间 PST = Pacific Standard Time: 太平洋标准时间 MST = Mountain Standard Time: 山区标准时间 C...
PST = Pacific Standard Time: 太平洋标准时间 MST = Mountain Standard Time: 山区标准时间 CST = Central Daylight Time: 中部标准时间 3月初到11月初,北美中部标准时间会调整使用夏令时CDT = Central Daylight Time,但即便如此人们还是都习惯说CST。 美国大陆以外的地区: HAST = Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time: ...
(TAI), with leap seconds announced at irregular intervals to compensate for the Earth's slowing rotation. The tz database or zoneinfo database uses the closest city, rather than the more common Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific time zones in the United States. Countries often change their...
The tz database or zoneinfo database uses the closest city, rather than the more common Eastern, Central, Mountain or Pacific time zones in the United States. Countries often change their daylight saving rules, so please help us stay current by letting us know if you find any pages that ...
这是一个固定说法,不能说成time areas或time places。 跨经度很大的国家通常会有好几个时区: 6 time zones in America: 美国有6个时区 美国大陆地区: EST = Eastern Standard Time: 东部标准时间 PST = Pacific Standard Time: 太平洋标准时间 MST = Mount...
6 time zones in America: 美国大陆地区: EST = Eastern Standard Time: 东部标准时间 PST = Pacific Standard Time: 太平洋标准时间 MST = Mountain Standard Time: 山区标准时间 CST = Central Daylight Time: 中部标准时间 3月初到11月初,北美中部标准时间会调整使用夏令时CDT = Central Daylight Time,但即便...
HONG KONG, Dec. 27 (Xinhua) -- The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative entered its fifth year in 2018, offering fresh impetus to economic development and integration in the Asia-Pacific region, while bringing tangible benefits to the people along the route. ...
很多国家,例如美国就不一样了,美国总共覆盖了6个时区,但是覆盖最广48个州的主要由以下四个时区:Eastern Standard Time (EST): 东部时间、Central Standard Time (CST): 中部时间、Mountain Standard Time (MST):山地时间、Pacific Standard Time (PST): 太平洋时间。所以注意,飞美国航线的小伙伴们!波士顿、芝加哥...
Soil salinization was more severe in the northern and eastern coastal areas of the Yellow River Delta. These results are conducive to salinization restoration and control in the Yellow River Delta. Keywords: soil salinization; KNDVI; feature space; space–time evolution; Yellow River Delta; Landsat...
6 time zones in America: 美国大陆地区: EST = Eastern Standard Time: 东部标准时间 PST = Pacific Standard Time: 太平洋标准时间 MST = Mountain Standard Time: 山区标准时间 CST = Central Daylight Time: 中部标准时间 3月初到11月初,北美中部标准时间会调整使用夏令时CDT = Central Daylight Time,但即便...