As seen by the diagram above the main difference between a cappuccino vs latte (aka “cafe latte”) is the proportions of espresso, milk and milk foam in the beverage. Traditionally a cappuccino has more foam and less milk compared to the latte. Also a cappuccino has chocolate powder dashed...
I hope this has helped clear things up for you next time you're standing at the counter of your local cafe trying to decide which coffee to order. If you have any questions leave a comment below. Make sure to check out our guide on thedifference between a caffè latte and cappuccino....
• Mocha coffee has chocolate syrup as one of the ingredients whereas chocolate is not used in other types of coffee. • Many people call it mocha coffee whereas the correct name is cafe mocha. • Mocha is caffeinated chocolate. Further Reading: Difference Between Latte and Coffee Differenc...