solutions of the difference equation差分方程的解决方案.pdf,Hindawi Publishing Corporation Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2010, Article ID 469683, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2010/469683 Research Article Solutions of the Difference Equation x x x − 1 n1
Then the nonlinear q-shift difference-differential equation F(z) (k) – p(z) = q(z) ( ) has no transcendental meromorphic solution of zero order, provided that n ≥λ + . Corollary . Let p(z), q(z) be nonzero polynomials and F (z) be stated as in ( ). Then the ... 图1中的目标单元格是包含公式的那个 单元格,而目标值则可以认为是方程右边的值,所以如果我们要求解方程lgx+x2=3的话,那么这个值就是 “3”,而可变单元格是指显示结果的那个单元格,也就是公式中变量所在的单元格。 [...] the magnitude square of a vector in equation (2), th...
DIFFERENCE EQUATIONSChapter 28. Difference Equations - Difference Equations Introduction 923 28.1 Solving Difference Equations 924 28.1.1 One Linear Equation 924 RSolve 28.1.2 Two Linear Equations 929 RSolve 28.1.3 Some Techniques 931 SeriesCoefficient, ZTransform, cobwebPlot 28.1.4 Nonlinear......
In this paper, we consider the entire solutions of non-linear difference-differential equation n α z α z f +L z , f p e 1 +p e 2 , where L z , f denotes a difference-differential polynomial of f , and ( ) 1 2 ( ) 文章引用: 刘思瑶, 陈硕人. 一类微分–差分方程的整函数...
2、程的特解,例9,证明,17.6.3 线性差分方程解的结构,n阶齐次线性差分方程的标准形式,n阶非齐次线性差分方程的标准形式,1.n阶齐次线性差分方程解的结构,问题:,( 是任意常数),那么称这些函数在区间内线性相关; 否则称线性无关.,例如,线性无关,线性相关,由此可见,要求出n阶常系数齐次线性差分方程(1)的通...
c determining the initial iteration. Obviously, the step b is crucial and critical in the method. For the strongly nonlinear q-difference equation, d2 d q2 x 2 εx q x Ω2 x x2 0, 1.1 d t d t q q where d /d t is the q-derivative 3, Liu 4 used the Lagrange multiplier...
7. 1stOpt 非线性差分方程(Difference Equation)求解 差分方程是微分方程的离散化表达形式,是一种递推地定义一个序列的方程 式,序列方程中的每一项均为其前一项的函数. 通过四个实际案例,介绍 1stOpt 如何处理不同类型的差分方程. 7.1 案例一 四个变量 x,y,z 和 c,其差分公式如下: ⎧ = − 2 ∙ ...
We study a discrete delay Mosquito population equation. Firstly, we study the stability of the equilibria of the system and the existence of period-two bifurcation by analyzing the characteristic equation. Secondly, the direction and stability of the bif
a k þ 1 order nonlinear difference equation of the form x nþ1 ¼ Fðx n ; x n21 ; . . . ; x n2k Þ; n ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; ð2:2Þ where F [ CðI kþ1 ; RÞ and I is an open interval of R. ...