Hubs, switches, and routers are all computer networking devices with varying capabilities. Unfortunately, the terms are often misused. Question: What’s the difference between a hub, a switch, and a router? In a word, intelligence. Hubs, switches, and routers are all devices that connect compu...
Heh … neat question. In short: price and capacity. While there might be slight functionality differences (even the pros get the hub/switch/router thing confused — or sometimes functionality kinda blurs the lines), the larger devices should be essentially just higher capacity versions of the sa...
One thing to note, because announcements of Type-C connections have come hand in hand with USB 3.1/3.2, many people assume they’re the same, or at the very least that all Type-C runs on the faster spec. This is not the case. Remember, Type-C is the connection type and may actuall...
FTP vs HTTPFTP vs SMTPFTP vs TFTPhub Vs. switchTCP vs UDP RF and Wireless Terminologies