The objective of this work was to evaluate the normalized difference water index (NDWI) based on Sentinel-2 imagery as a tool for monitoring pasture seasonal dynamics and inter-annual variability in a Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system. Forty-one valid NDWI records were used between January ...
The linear ranges of DC transfer characteristics of the real MLT section are limited up to ±500 mV for inputs X and Y, and up to ±350 µA for the auxiliary terminal z. The examples of measured DC transfer characteristics between input voltage (VY) and output current (IZ), are ...
According to textbooks on bioenergetics [36,37], the dominant point of view is that in mitochondria, the ∆ψ values reach ~150–200 mV, while the characteristic pH difference between the outer (the intermembrane space) and internal (matrix) volumes does not exceed ∆pH~0.5–1.0 (about ...