Subsystem: lethttp2=require('http2');lethttp=require('http');http2.createSecureServer({allowHTTP1:true,cert:`---BEGIN CERTIFICATE---MIICpDCCAYwCCQDchnaEFAYYfzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAUMRIwEAYDVQQDDAlsb2NhbGhvc3QwHhcNMTcxMTExMjA1NjQ2WhcNMTcxMjExMjA1NjQ2WjAUMRIwEAYDVQQDDAlsb2NhbGhvc3QwggEi...
Roof over Head Makes a World of a Difference; Once-Homeless Trevor Is off the Streets and Rid of Drinking Problem
Similar to the results indicated in Figure 7, the deviation between the two solutions increases with frequency. At a frequency of 101 Hz, the two modeling results are in good agreement, as indicated in Figure 10a–d, for both real and imaginary parts of the x-component electrical field with...
aptx Adaptive is an audio codec for Bluetooth devices that is developed by Qualcomm. It has a variable bit rate (between 279kbps and 420kbps), which means it can adjust the bit rate for different scenarios, such as listening to HD audio or reducing interference from other devices. ...
Size Effect on the Signal Intensity Difference between Odd- and Even-Numbered Phosphorus Cluster Ionsdoi:10.3866/pku.whxb201212121Kong Xiang-LeiActa Physico-Chimica Sinica & University Chemistry Editorial Office, Peking UniversityX. Kong. Size effect on the signal intensity difference between odd- and...
Wu XX, Lv M, Jin ZY, Michishita R, Chen J, Tian HY, Tu XB, Zhao HM, Niu ZG, Chen XL, et al. 2014. Normalized difference vegetation index dynamic and spatiotemporal distribution of migratory birds in the Poyang Lake wet- land, China. Ecol Indic. 47:219-230....
Experiments in the Hetao irrigation district, Inner Mongolia, China, during 2017 (2-yr for alfalfa) and 2018 (3-yr for alfalfa) were conducted to evaluate the difference in soil water distribution, percolation, groundwater recharge, water consumption and water productivity between alfalfa (Medicago...