sharing and losing the electrons the atoms complete their outermost orbital and make an octet. the capacity of an atom is described by the total number of electrons lost, gained or shared to complete its octet and it also determines the valency of the atom. how to find valency of elements?
The CGS unit of specific heat is View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, ...
yet additionally rejects devaluation or depreciation and amortisation by and by, ebit estimates an organisation’s capacity to produce benefit from its activities. a few financial backers are careful about utilising ebitda to evaluate productivity since they accept it can give a deceptive image of an...
The heats of combustion of carbon monoxide at constant pressure and at constant volume at 27∘C will differ from one another by : A27 cal B54 cal C300 cal D600 calSubmit The heats of combustion of carbon monoxide at constant pressure and at constant volume at 27∘C will differ from one...
Hint:The running meter is generally used in our day to day life such in cloth stores whereas meter is a metric unit.The metric system is a measurement that basically uses the meter, Litre, and gram as base units for length (or distance), capacity (or volume) and weight ...
the pre-frontal cortex will take charge again and guide healthier responses. Impulsive behaviourcan also look like aggression, which is the ‘fight’ part of the fight or flight response. Anxiety and big emotions come from the same part of the brain so when anxiety is on full volume, other...
and revenue expenditure to develop a clear understanding of their functions in a business. capital expenditure revenue expenditure definition expenditure incurred for acquiring assets, to enhance the capacity of an existing asset that results in increasing its lifespan expense incurred for maintaining the...
comparative analysis a tabulated comparison between the hard disk drive and solid state drive is given below. refer to the points of difference and analyse which among the two is better and more suitable for use. difference between ssd and hdd ssd hdd full form: solid state drive full ...
Energy is the capacity to do some physical activities or work & Power is defined as the rate at which the energy is transferred. Learn more about the difference between Energy and Power.
Difference Between LAN, MAN, and WAN: LAN usually connects a small group of computers in a given geographical area. MAN covers large regions. The WAN network has the capacity to connect various countries together. Find more on LAN Vs MAN Vs WAN.