Bcc is useful if you prefer to keep recipient email addresses private. It also means that the bcc'ed recipients will not receive any reply emails from the other recipients, even if they select “Reply all”. The difference between cc and bcc is that both are used for sending an email to...
What’s the Difference Between CC and BCC When Sending an Email? The CC and BCC fields when sending email work similarly. CC stands for “carbon copy,” while BCC stands for “blind carbon copy.” While these terms may have been
Because CC and BCC are similar, understanding the difference between the two can be confusing. Consult the table below for the key differences between BCC and CC. In short, CC openly displays all email addresses to other recipients, whereas BCC keeps recipients' identities hidden from each other...
5.CC is often used when a group of people are engaged in team workBCC is often used to send bulk email. Recipients are generally not part of a team We hope that this quick explanation of the difference between CC and BCC fields in email was useful for you. Should you have any questio...
Control is an ambigious reference between System.Web.UI.Control and System.Windows.Forms.Control error ControlToValidate property cannot be blank Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. - need to exit out of some code on reset btn Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' ...
Learn about the difference between an intruder and a hacker, understand their motives, and discover how to stay secure against these types of cyberattacks.
modern operating systems like windows 10 have built-in support for curly brackets in various places like filenames and folder names. you can even use them while searching online or browsing file directories even if you don't know how to code. what is the difference between round and curly ...
视频解析:《初中英语自诊断》核心词汇之一词多义模块重难点集锦! 视频解析:《初中英语自诊断》核心词汇之动词搭配模块重难点集锦! 视频解析:《初中英语自诊断》核心词汇之易混词辨析模块重难点集锦! 视频解析:《初中英语自诊断》核心词汇之高分作文篇——高级短语句型集...
What is the difference between Ctrl Z and Ctrl Y? Ctrl Z is the keyboard shortcut for "undo," which allows you to reverse the last action you performed. Ctrl Y, on the other hand, is the keyboard shortcut for "redo," which allows you to reapply the last action you performed after ...
than dvd. blu-ray discs can hold up to 25 gb of data on a single layer, or up to 50 gb on a dual-layer disc. blu-ray also uses a different type of laser than dvd, which allows for greater precision in reading data from the disc. what is the difference between dvd and streaming...