We have measured the Au L-shell ionization-cross-section ratio for incident electrons and positrons having kinetic energies, T≅25--55 keV. In this energy region, σ/sub L//σ/sub L/is observed to be smaller than unity, reflecting the fundamental difference between the Moller and Bhabha ...
The colour difference ΔE was calculated between images after the ECP (after copper deposition) and LISA (before copper deposition) for each of the five sections by using an equation: ∆E = (RECP − RLISA)2 + (GECP − GLISA)2 + (BECP − BLISA)2 , (4) twhheeErCe RPEaC...
The vanilla feed-forward network consists of two linear transformation layers, where the hidden dimension D′ between two layers is expanded to learn a richer feature representation. In contrast, we intro- duce a depthwise 3D convolution (with BN and ...