Unzip is a utility for extracting files from ZIP archives, a popular file compression format. Gunzip is a utility for decompressing files compressed with the gzip algorithm, commonly used in Unix-like systems.
what is the difference between “tar” and “zip”. The answer is quit simple rather than the confusion. We all are very familiar about the word “.tar.gz”, it’s very common when we download something from internet. The extension “.tar.gz” is not a single file extension, it’s ...
In transitive computing terms the difference between gunzip and gzip is thatgunzipis to decompress using thegzipprogram whilegzipis to compress using thegzipprogram. gunzip English Verb (gunzipp) (computing) To decompress using the (gzip) program. ...
WhatistheDifferencebetweenGwt,Swt,SwingandAwt There are many websites nowadays which are used for different purposes and offers different sort of things. Some of them are social websites which increase the interaction between the people and allows them to share their thoughts and experience.Some web...