The main difference between __str__ and __repr__ is that __str__ should return a string that is easy for humans to read, while __repr__ should return a string that is more machine-readable and is intended to be used for debugging. For example, __repr__ might return something like...
Python内置函数repr()和str()分别调用object.repr(self)和object.str(self)方法。第一个函数计算对象的官方表示,而第二个函数返回对象的非正式表示。对于整数对象,这两个函数的结果是相同的。>>> x = 1 >>> repr(x) '1' >>> str(x) '1'
First, let me reiterate the main points in Alex’s post: The default implementation is useless (it’s hard to think of one which wouldn’t be, but yeah) __repr__goal is to be unambiguous __str__goal is to be readable Container’s__str__uses contained objects’__repr__ >>>classF...
其他重要花絮知道: __str__上内置的容器使用__repr__ ,而不是__str__ ,因为它包含的项目。并且,尽管在典型的文档中找到了关于该主题的文字,但几乎没有人__repr__将对象的__repr__作为一个字符串, eval可以用它来构建一个相等的对象(它太难了,而且不知道相关模块是如何实际导入的它实际上是不可能的)。
Mutability in Built-in Types: A Summary Common Mutability-Related Gotchas Mutability in Custom Classes Techniques to Control Mutability in Custom Classes Conclusion Frequently Asked Questions Mark as Completed Share Recommended Video CourseDifferences Between Python's Mutable and Immutable TypesPython...
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3.3.1. CNN Architecture The CNN model was implemented in Python using TensorFlow and Keras on the Google Colaboratory environment, which made use of a Tesla T4 GPU. The RandomSearch algorithm of the KerasTuner framework was used to derive an optimized model and tune the hyperparameter space. ...