The main difference between __str__ and __repr__ is that __str__ should return a string that is easy for humans to read, while __repr__ should return a string that is more machine-readable and is intended to be used for debugging. For example, __repr__ might return something like...
First, let me reiterate the main points in Alex’s post: The default implementation is useless (it’s hard to think of one which wouldn’t be, but yeah) __repr__goal is to be unambiguous __str__goal is to be readable Container’s__str__uses contained objects’__repr__ >>>classF...
Python内置函数repr()和str()分别调用object.repr(self)和object.str(self)方法。第一个函数计算对象的官方表示,而第二个函数返回对象的非正式表示。对于整数对象,这两个函数的结果是相同的。>>> x = 1 >>> repr(x) '1' >>> str(x) '1'
所以 Python 警察出来了。请注意,有一个默认值为 true:如果定义了__repr__ ,而__str__未定义,则该对象的行为就像__str__=__repr__。 这意味着,简单来说:您实现的几乎每个对象都应该具有可用于理解对象的函数__repr__ 。实现__str__是可选的:如果您需要 “漂亮的打印” 功能(例如,由报告生成器使用...
Mutability in Built-in Types: A Summary Common Mutability-Related Gotchas Mutability in Custom Classes Techniques to Control Mutability in Custom Classes Conclusion Mark as Completed Share Recommended Video CourseDifferences Between Python's Mutable and Immutable TypesPython...
3.3.1. CNN Architecture The CNN model was implemented in Python using TensorFlow and Keras on the Google Colaboratory environment, which made use of a Tesla T4 GPU. The RandomSearch algorithm of the KerasTuner framework was used to derive an optimized model and tune the hyperparameter space. ...