"Spelled" and "spelt" both refer to the past tense and past participle of the verb "spell," with "spelled" being more common in American English and "spelt" in British English.
Difference Between Spelled and Spelt The word spelt, as mentioned, you can use as a noun and as a verb, whereas word spelled is used as a verb only. For example, ‘you have spelled my name wrong’ or ‘you have spelt my name wrong’. The word spelt meaning as a noun is a type ...
Practiceandpractiseare two different spellings of theverbmeaning “train by repetition” or “engage professionally in something.” Thenounis always spelled “practice.” The spelling of the verb varies based on whether you’re writing inUK or US English: ...
spell to spelled learn to learned … with the exception of commonirregular verbs take to took hear to heard Verbs take-ed endingsfor simple past tense and past participles,but with more exceptions… compel to compelled spell to spelt learn to learnt ...
Might I that legend find,By fairies spelt in mystic rhymes. Spell To put under the influence of a spell; to affect by a spell; to bewitch; to fascinate; to charm. He was much spelled with Eleanor Talbot. Spell To constitute; to measure. The Saxon heptarchy, when seven kings put togeth...
spelt/spelled Some such as built are the same across both. I’d never realised there was a difference – initially assuming it was just a dialect thing, but as it turns out, American English -ed what in the UK is -t. Nicole
gradually3.that/ which4.have disappeared5.expression6.the7.are spelt/spelled8.written9.greater10.understanding 5【题目】As we all know, there are some differences betweenAmerican English and British English. How did these differences take place? T here is no quick answer1 this question....
The old,learnedscientist looked at the government ministers he was advising and inwardly wept. Why Are There Two Spellings ofLearntandLearned? There are numerous word variations likelearned/learntin the English language—such asdreamed/dreamt,passed / past,leaped/leapt,spelled/spelt, orburned/burnt...
Three Key Differences between Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills To be good athard skills usually takes smarts or IQ(also known as your left brain-the logical center). To be good atsoft skills usually takes Emotonal Intelligence or EQ(also known as your right brain- the emotional center). Example...
While the spelling distinction carries over to some related words like “defenceless”/“defenseless,” versions ofdefence/defensethat have a suffix beginning with “i” arespelledwith an “s” in both UK and US English (e.g., defensive, defensiveness, defensible). “Defencive” is never corre...