If you are a new Spanish learner, you've probably wondered about the difference betweenserandestar, two verbs that can mean “to be.” Not to worry! There are lots of tricks to learningserandestarand when to use each. Here's what you need to know about how to conjugateserandestar, the...
Loves reading and writing! Will help you or your child love it too! See tutors like this Estar is used mainly for location and characteristics that change, such as Estoy cansada. (I am tired). However, ser is used for more permanent things such as Soy una mujer. (I am ...
I'm out of it. Estoy afuera, I am outside. They means different things, but both are ok. "Soy de fuera.' is a weird thing to say, but it's ok in rural Mexico. Most people would say, "Soy de afuera." I am an outsider. Outside of what depends on context. My debt is that...