Preview the matter first:That is,don’t plunge headlong into reading new, unfamiliar material. You can understand more if you first scan it or skim over it quickly. Read the first sentence of each paragraph, and glance at the table of contents and the preface. ...
3. adding this unit doesn’t give a good sample for the students to write about a scientist. so it is also very difficult for the students to do the writing well. because of this, we add a research task to the students after finishing the reading material no boundaries. (what is scien...
Step2. Reading T: Do you want to know more about Hawking? S: Yes. T: What do you want to know about him? S: his family, his achievements… T: Turn to P3 Task1: Group work Skim the text and give one word to each paragraph. Task2: Individual work 1) How would ordinary people...
Step2.Reading T:DoyouwanttoknowmoreaboutHawking?S:yes. ’ T:whatdoyouwanttoknowabouthim?S:hisfamily,hisachiev ements… T:TurntoP3 Task1:Groupwork Skimthetextandgiveonewordtoeachparagraph. Task2:Individualwork )Howwouldordinarypeoplefeelwhentheyweretoldthat theyhadanincurabledisease? 2)whatdid...
task3.individualworklistenandanswer:).howdoeshemakeaspeechwithoutmovinghislips?2)whatisitthathawkingdoesntlikeabouthisspeechcomputer?step2.readingt:doyou 22、wanttoknowmoreabouthawking?s:yes.t:whatdoyouwanttoknowabouthim?s:hisfamily,hisachievementst:turntop3task1:groupworkskimthetextandgiveonewordto...
Unit 7 Women: making a difference todayRART 1 UNDERSTANDING AND LEARNINGOverview The unit aims at exploring a current social issue: gender roles, a topic that could spark a lot of debates and arguments. Text A gives students a big picture of a how women have played an important role at ...
Hence, one can skim the passage to understand its essence, whereas one can scan it to find certain words, numbers, dates, etc.
step2. reading t: do you want to know more about hawking? s: yes. t: what do you want to know about him? s: his family, his achievements… t: turn to p3 task1: group work skim the text and give one word to each paragraph. dream para2 1.jpg opinions para1 task2: individual...