SketchUp Pro相比于SketchUp,提供了更多高级的功能和工具,使得用户可以更加精细地进行建模和设计。其中一个重要的区别是SketchUp Pro可以进行CAD格式的导入和导出,使得用户可以在不同软件之间无缝切换和共享文件。此外,SketchUp Pro还提供了布线工具、实体编辑工具和3D打印准备工具等,使得用户能够更加灵活地处理模型的细节和...
In fact, it appears to be considerably faster to use for anything but the simplest geometries than SketchUp, the pseudo-CAD system I have been using up to now for its simplicity and price (free). So I am seriously thinking about switching to Fusion once I feel comfortable enough...
By using photogrammetry and SketchUp 3D modeling, it’s how Google maps the world in 3D. But there is little difference between the functionality available in both Google Earth vs Google Maps. Although Google Earth adds a bit more viewing versatility such as tilting and planning, they both allo...