本文选取2007-2011 年金融行业上市公司中的相关数据,分别选择绩效指标ROE(净资产收益率)、EPS(每股收益)、高管持股比例,独立董事比例以及公司规模等变量构建模型,利用最小二乘法对金融行业的高管薪酬与公司绩效进行研究,进一步分析金融行业上市公司高管薪酬与公司绩效的内在联系,检验该行业高管薪酬的制定是否合理,从而完善...
Difference Between 32 Bit And 64 Bit Operating Systems Difference Between 8085 And 8086 Microprocessor Difference Between A Revocable And Irrevocable Trust Difference Between A Valve And A Sphincter Difference Between A Will And A Living Trust Difference Between Above And Over Difference Between Absolute...
If the R/G editing does regulate and expand the GluA1 function by separating the difference between the GluA1 flip and flop variants, it will be the R/G editing site on GluA2R that exerts that regulatory function. This is because normally, postnatal GluA2 exists virtually only in the Q/...
In the case of double-doping, the electron transfer between dopants and BLG aligns their Fermi levels, thus inducing the elec- tric field (Fig. 1b). For example, n-doping of the bottom layer and p-doping of the top layer can create an electric field directed from the bottom to the...
In Figure 3, the spectral signature of 5% Mg/ZnO is compared to the spectral signatures of RNase A, asIwn eFlilgausrebo3t,hthTeYsRpeNcAtraalnsdignRaNtuarsee oAf,5b%ouMngd/Zton5O%isMcogm/ZpnarOe.dAtos tehxepsepcteecdtr,atlhseigdnaattaurreevseoaflRaNshasifet Ain, tahseweemllisassiobnod...
Introduction The term "scissors difference" was initially proposed to describe the trend of increasing price gaps between industrial products and agricultural products [1]. Since its initial use, the term has been widely applied to describe similar situations in economic research [2,3]. In China,...
Variance partitioning analysis showed that 28.0% of the variation in NDEP could be explained, with environmental difference constituting 14.0% and the interaction between the environmental difference and spatial distance constituting the remaining 14.0%. Soil texture was the most important factor for ...
First, based on the broadband that is typical of blast waves, the peak frequency of the P-wave was obtained in the time–frequency domain, taking advantage of the difference in the propagation speed of the P-wave, S-wave, and the surface wave. Second, the phase difference between two ...
Similar to the results indicated in Figure 7, the deviation between the two solutions increases with frequency. At a frequency of 101 Hz, the two modeling results are in good agreement, as indicated in Figure 10a–d, for both real and imaginary parts of the x-component electrical field with...
One of the test units (Unit 12) had the lowest NL, resulting in its grouping into Class A, and two of the test units (Units 1 and 4) had the highest NL, resulting in Class G. The ACH50 values were estimated to be between 1.4 h−1 and 12.4 h−1. There was a relatively ...