Hex:Uses a mix of 6 numbers and characters RGB:Uses 3 sets of 3 numbers which have a range of 0 – 255 Between the 2 the only main different is the syntax in which you use to generate the color, depending if your already using a pre-existing system that uses only one of the two ...
The opacity is also a CSS3 property that allows us to directly set the transparency level of a particular element throughCSS. The amount of transparency can vary between 0 (fully opaque) and 1 (fully transparent). For eg, in order to achieve 50% transparency for a particular element, we ...
What if I told you a single CSS declaration makes the difference in the following image between the wide screen case (left) and the second one (right)? And what if I told you a single CSS declaration makes the difference between the odd and even items in the wide screen case? Screensho...