As nouns the difference between justification and rationale is that justification is a reason, explanation, or excuse which provides convincing, morally acceptable support for behavior or for a belief or occurrence while rationale is...
Reason defines the rationale behind decisions, while motivation is the drive that prompts action. Difference Between Reason and Motivation Table of Contents ADVERTISEMENTKey Differences Reason is the logical or rational basis for an action or belief. It's the "why" behind decisions, providing explanat...
While excuses generally aim to lessen blame, they can sometimes serve as justifications if they present a logical and morally acceptable reason for an action. 6 Is there a legal difference between a justification and an excuse? Legally, a justification can render an action lawful under certain ci...
As nouns the difference between justification and certification is that justification is a reason, explanation, or excuse which provides convincing, morally acceptable support for behavior or for a belief or occurrence while certification is...
The reason given for the hypocritical act did not impact perceptions of moral justification, p = .67, 畏2 < .01, nor was there an interaction between consequences and reason, p = .49, 畏2 = .03. These results support the hypothesis that hypocrisy was judged negatively because it led to...
This theory distinguishes between reasons and reason-giving facts, and we argue that rules are not reasons but rather reason-giving facts. Based on this distinction, we recast and criticize some of Raz's theses about the nature of rules, such as their opaqueness, the normative gap, and the ...
between the.various arguments advanced by him. 如果是的話,那麼跟他剛才所說的 論點 似乎是 自 相矛 盾。 This informal arrangement seems to work well and there is no need to formalize it further. 这种非正式的安排似乎很有效,不需要进一步予以...
While there are many points of theology proper that Peter addressed, we have to return to the ultimate reason for the Spirit’s indwelling – God’s very presence by means of the Holy Spirit indwells the church and individuals. Notice the question of the audience at the end of Peter’s ...
“return” to this stage, and is already the reason for the idiom “new ontologies.”2To be sure, these are very different philosophical projects. But it is safe to say that for none of them sexual difference (in any form) plays any part in their ontological considerations. Being has ...
Both Dominik and Anita are fixated on perceived visual differences between themselves and the others, and between the ‘norm’ and the ‘aberration’. As looking at others is relational, the gendered or ethnicised difference is constructed in relation to other white men and women. In all interv...