Also unlike many other states, California has no close-in-age exception, or Romeo and Juliet law. However, while law enforcement can charge statutory rape as either a felony or a misdemeanor, they can only charge it as a misdemeanor when the age gap between the two people is no more than...
'Squared Difference' refers to the computation of the square of the pixel-wise differences between two images, such as the generated HR image and the ground truth image, which is commonly used in evaluating image quality metrics like Mean Squared Error (MSE). ...
Machine learning pipelines, similar to data science workflows, start with data collection and preprocessing. The model then takes in an initial set of training data, identifies patterns and relationships in that data, and uses that information to tune internal variables called parameters. The mode...
Histogram difference refers to a measure used in computer science to detect similarity between images by comparing changes in the weighted color histogram of the images. It is less sensitive to subtle motion and can be used to limit distortion caused by noise and motion in sub-regions of the ...
How are they different and how are they similar? There are 2 nuanced differences between aiding and abetting a crime: aiding a crime requires an act of assistance, while abetting does not, and unlike for abetting, there has to be evidence that the aid helped in the crime’s commission....
RGB-D semantic segmentation utilizes both images and depth maps to classify pixels into different semantic classes. Currently, most methods rely on scale interaction within a single modality or the late fusion of dual-modal information, with little exploration of the correlation between two modalities...
Today I found out the difference between a fact and a factoid. I have gotten several helpful commenters pointing out recently that perhaps I am using the word “factoid” incorrectly in my articles here, thinking that it means the same as “fact”. In fact (eh? eh?) ;-), I ...
We improve the training and testing speed of Faster R-CNN by improving the RPN module. Different from the original Faster R-CNN's anchor based strategy, the inter frame difference in this paper is mainly used to extract the region of interest of the target. And we introduce spatiotemporal ...
The localization systems based on TDOA does not depend on absolute distance estimates between the sensor pairs. Fig. 2.7 shows a scheme where a source sensor at known position (anchor) sends out multiple reference signals and then measurements are taken by the receiving sensor R. The synchronizer...
The difference between theft and robbery is that theft is merely stealing someone’s property, whereas robbery is using force or fear to take property from a person’s immediate possession. So theft is a less serious property crime. Robbery is a more serious violent crime.Most...